4 research outputs found

    Desarrollo e implementaci贸n de una plataforma experimental para la consecuci贸n de tareas colaborativas mediante el uso de UAV aut贸nomos

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Enxe帽ar铆a Industrial. 506V06[Resumo] O presente traballo c茅ntrase en tratar de facilitar o desenvolvemente de estratexias de coordinaci贸n realistas e flexibles que permitan unha cooperaci贸n efectiva entre varios UAV para a realizaci贸n dunha tarefa com煤n. Para conseguilo proponse unha aproximaci贸n formada por unha metodolox铆a e unha plataforma software. A metodolox铆a proposta bas茅ase en tres aspectos fundamentais: unha estructura normalizada e modular para o software, a independencia da estratexia de coordinaci贸n do hardware concreto e a incorporaci贸n de forma iterativa e progresiva da complexidade da realidade. A plataforma software desenvolta emprega a realidade mixta para permitir a implementaci贸n progresiva da estratexia de coordinaci贸n sobre os UAV reais. Coa finalidade de demostrar a utilidade da aproximaci贸n proposta desenvolveuse un exemplo da plataforma e implementouse sobre o mesmo unha aplicaci贸n de exemplo para a b煤squeda dunha fonte de poluci贸n mediante o emprego de UAV aut贸nomos instrumentados.[Resumen] El presente trabajo se centra en tratar de facilitar el desarrollo de estrategias de coordinaci贸n realistas y flexibles que permitan una cooperaci贸n efectiva entre varios UAV para la realizaci贸n de una tarea com煤n. Para conseguirlo se propone una aproximaci贸n formada por una metodolog铆a y una plataforma software. La metodolog铆a propuesta se basa en tres aspectos fundamentales: una estructura normalizada y modular para el software, la independencia de la estrategia de coordinaci贸n del hardware concreto y la incorporaci贸n de forma iterativa y progresiva de la complejidad de la realidad. La plataforma software desarrollada emplea la realidad mixta para permitir la implementaci贸n progresiva de la estrategia de coordinaci贸n sobre los UAV reales. Con la finalidad de demostrar la utilidad de la aproximaci贸n propuesta se ha desarrollado un ejemplo de la plataforma y se ha implementado sobre el mismo una aplicaci贸n de ejemplo para la b煤squeda de una fuente de poluci贸n mediante el uso de UAV aut贸nomos instrumentados.[Abstract] The present work focuses on trying to ease the development of realistic and flexible coordination strategies that allow effective cooperation between several UAVs to carry out a common task. To achieve this, we propose an approach formed by a methodology and a software platform. The proposed methodology is based on three fundamental foundations: a standardized and modular structure for software, the independence of the coordination strategy from the concrete hardware and the iterative and progressive incorporation of the complexity of reality. The software platform developed rely in mixed reality to allow the progressive implementation of the coordination strategy on real UAVs. In order to demonstrate the utility of the approach, an example of the platform has been developed and an example application for the search of a source of pollution through the use of autonomous instrumented UAVs has been implemented

    Towards Precise Positioning and Movement of UAVs for Near-Wall Tasks in GNSS-Denied Environments

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    Abstract: UAVs often perform tasks that require flying close to walls or structures and in environments where a satellite-based location is not possible. Flying close to solid bodies implies a higher risk of collisions, thus requiring an increase in the precision of the measurement and control of the UAV鈥檚 position. The aerodynamic distortions generated by nearby walls or other objects are also relevant, making the control more complex and further placing demands on the positioning system. Performing wall-related tasks implies flying very close to the wall and, in some cases, even touching it. This work presents a Near-Wall Positioning System (NWPS) based on the combination of an Ultra-wideband (UWB) solution and LIDAR-based range finders. This NWPS has been developed and tested to allow precise positioning and orientation of a multirotor UAV relative to a wall when performing tasks near it. Specific position and orientation control hardware based on horizontal thrusters has also been designed, allowing the UAV to move smoothly and safely near walls.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades; RTI2018-101114-B-I00), Xunta de Galicia; ED431C2017/12)

    UAV Trajectory Management: Ardupilot Based Trajectory Management System

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    In this paper we explain the structure and development of a trajectory management system on board a UAV capable to achieve complex trajectories and versatile to adapt disturbances during flight. This system is built in Python and runs in a companion computer on board the UAV while maintains communication with a ground station over a radio link